United Kingdom Tannoy

The English company Tannoy is the oldest manufacturer of high-quality acoustic systems, producing them for more than 70 years. Tannoy has an unconditionally high reputation among audiophiles around the world, and this company has become the only one in the world to be awarded the prestigious Japanese Golden Sound award four times. Tannoy monitors are used as reference monitors by many professional recording studios. Tannoy is a trademark on many sound installations around the world. Examples include the Transformation Center in Hong Kong, the Opera in Sydney, the London Palladium, the Coca-Cola headquarters in Atlanta, the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, and the most expensive Tannoy speakers, Westminster Royal, are installed in the residence of the Queen of England in Windsor. The main difference between Tannoy speakers and acoustics from other companies is the use of proprietary coaxial radiators – point sound sources with excellent phase frequency characteristics and providing the legendary sound of Tannoy speakers. Engaged exclusively in the production of speakers, Tannoy has become the only company that has won the Golden Sound four times, and this, according to some experts, is the highest award equivalent to the "number one in the world" rating.

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